Smart People Lease
Re-Tek has been provided funding support through Zero Waste Scotland’s Resource Efficient Circular Economy Accelerator Programme, which helps small and medium sized businesses in Scotland be more resource efficient and create a more circular economy.
Lease-Tek is our exciting new project, providing a competitively priced computer hardware leasing service, negating the upfront cost required to update your IT equipment.
This is a great opportunity for organisations who are looking to enhance their low carbon initiatives. By leasing perfectly functional, refurbished equipment, you will help to extend the life-cycle of IT equipment, reduce the environmental effects of recycling and landfill, and promote the Scottish Governments drive towards a circular economy.
With monthly fees starting from £13, Lease-Tek provides an affordable choice for all businesses and third sector organisations. The service benefits from a dedicated helpline to support hardware issues and provides a replacement unit if the unit cannot be replaced.
More information can be found on the Lease-Tek website.